Data is a major asset for all organizations
Sogeti Luxembourg I 3:24 pm, 7th June
Webinar : la data au service du marketing
Editus I 11:30 am, 1st June
In a world of Accelerated Cloud Adoption, can businesses keep up?
RFA I 2:03 pm, 30th May
Editus S’inscrit Comme un Acteur du Big Data
Editus Press Release I 12:50 pm, 25th May
Anidris in a Nutshell
Anidris I 9:17 am, 23rd May
PwC Luxembourg signs an alliance with Dataiku
PWC Luxembourg I 10:43 am, 27th April
D4H : la science des données au service de l'histoire numérique
Université du Luxembourg I 4:16 pm, 11th April
Customer Relationship Management: Give us your opinion!
Techsense Team I 9:19 am, 10th February
Best Ways to Protect Your Corporate Data During Laptop Theft
Techsense Team I 11:05 am, 23rd December
Talao and The Blockhouse Technology Ltd join Infrachain in building and participating in the decentralized data economy
Infrachain press release I 2:59 pm, 7th December
Legal & Compliance : Editus lance son API pour simplifier les démarches des entreprises
Techsense team I 10:25 am, 23rd November