LHoFT Presents Catapult: Green Fintech Program to Advance Sustainable Innovation
LHoFT I 11:09 am, 13th September
The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology
(LHoFT) Foundation is proud to announce the launch of Catapult: Green Fintech,
an innovative acceleration program dedicated to fostering the growth of fintech
startups specialising in sustainable finance technologies. This inaugural
edition aims to empower emerging companies to develop groundbreaking solutions
that will drive forward the green finance agenda in Luxembourg and beyond...
The Role of Managed Service Providers in Supporting Remote Workforces
Michaël Renotte I 8:43 am, 13th September
This article explores the significance of MSPs in facilitating remote work arrangements and highlights the key ways in which they contribute to enhancing productivity, security, and collaboration for distributed teams.
Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape with a compliant cloud
NSI Luxembourg and Cegeka I 7:26 am, 13th September
Gaetan Willems, Global Director Hybrid Cloud at Cegeka and Nathan Mangenot, General Director at NSI Luxembourg explain how NSI support is essential to evolve in this regulatory landscape.
L'Engagement d'Empirys : Innover et Réussir avec une Stratégie Digitale Sur-Mesure
Yann Roll I 9:14 am, 9th September
Empirys, dont le nom est issu du mot grec «
empeiria » désignant l’expérience, est une jeune entreprise luxembourgeoise
fondée en 2020 qui s’est rapidement imposée grâce à son expertise en services
IT. Forte d’une équipe de plus de 30 collaborateurs, Empirys partage son
expertise à l’ensemble des marchés luxembourgeois et a bâti sa renommée
actuelle autour de quatre valeurs : expérience, collaboration, innovation et
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