Talao and The Blockhouse Technology Ltd join Infrachain in building and participating in the decentralized data economy
Infrachain press release I 2:46 pm, 7th December

Infrachain, the Luxembourg based non-profit organisation for operational blockchain projects, is delighted to welcome Talao and The Blockhouse Technology Limited (TBTL) as new members of its community. Talao is a Paris based startup specializing in blockchain-based solutions for Talent Management and Human Resources. TBTL is an Oxford based company gathering world-class experts in trusted computing to develop cutting edge solutions based on trustless technologies and blockchain, for the core services of banking, digital asset management, digital government, and e-health.
The Infrachain community consists of a wide network of blockchain players including companies, public institutions and non-profits from Europe, providing Blockchain solutions and services to organizations in various sectors such as Supply Chain and Logistics, Finance, Health, Public Services, …
Together with Infrachain, Talao and TBTL will contribute to the promotion and support of the take-up of blockchain and DLTs, shaping an adoption-friendly framework to drive blockchain technology towards a faster and larger adoption.
"By joining Infrachain, we are eager to participate in developing the blockchain ecosystem in Luxembourg. In a time where platforms own too much data, we are excited to provide institutions and organisations with a full-feature Self Sovereign Identity Wallet, a core component of Web3," explained Thierry Thévenet, COO of Talao.
“Luxembourg has a really exciting FinTech ecosystem. By joining Infrachain we look forward to bringing our innovative products to the heart of the European market. We believe that the radically changed world of decentralized finance needs creative solutions, and that our team are the right people to provide them.“ said Prof Bill Roscoe, co-founder and director of TBTL.
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