2020's scariest cybersecurity stories
Yann Roll I 8:47 am, 19th July
Covid-19 was not the only pandemic that plagued our lives in 2020. Cybersecurity crimes and data breaches were recorded from global companies across 81 countries in the first half of the year. Malware spread rapidly from one network to the next and from one computer to another, affecting millions of people. 2020 was a year of cloud jacking, phishing attacks, ransomware attacks, deepfakes, and more. Here’s a look at two of 2020’s scariest cybersecurity stories.
Three Tales of Serendipity in Technology
Michael Renotte I 8:41 am, 19th July
When we talk science and technology, serendipity is probably one of the last words that would strike our minds. We do not expect great innovations in technology to happen by chance. After all, science and technology are all about careful calculations and diligent research.