5 Things We Should be Talking About on this International Women’s Day
Techsense Team I 3:06 pm, 4th March
International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March. It is a day that celebrates women. Women are no longer confined to their houses and are making their mark on the world as leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, and more. Although there is a lot to celebrate this International Women’s Day, there are also some things that must be talked about.
Best Ways to Invest Your Money In Renewables Projects
Techsense Team I 10:26 am, 11th November
Renewable energy has been one of the driving forces of the world. According to research by the US Energy Information Administration, renewable energy will supply more than 50% of the world’s electricity needs in 2050. This is why many companies have started investing heavily towards renewable technology development.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Sustainability-linked Loans
Techsense Team I 9:56 am, 10th November
The connection between the environment and the lending system is often ignored in popular literature. But the fact remains that how a company uses its borrowings can have unsustainable impacts on the world at large and be devastating for the global economy. This is why many banks have started offering sustainability-linked loans. Here we understand what these loans entail and how they dictate the work done by CIOs, IT managers and IT companies.
Nanobots: The Futuristic Healthcare Trends that will Transform Humanity Forever
Techsense Team I 3:31 pm, 8th November
With science and technology evolving so rapidly, healthcare is being redefined like never before. We have probably seen everything there is, from personalized virtual medical assistants to robotic surgeries. There are constant debates about whether technology is actually improving healthcare or whether it is taking the human touch out of it.
TNT Symposium: The Great Reset Conference
Techsense team I 8:48 am, 28th October
The first edition of TNT Symposium, organized by TechSense on Novembre 24, 2021 at the European Convention Center Luxembourg promises an explosion of emotions to those who long to gather anew in a friendly and convivial atmosphere. The event will feature a detonative conference, a brain-blasting show, an explosive cocktail, and a dinner that will trigger an explosion of flavors!
Times Higher Education : Uni.lu parmi les 300 premières universités
Press release uni.lu I 4:57 pm, 13th September
L’Université du
Luxembourg se classe parmi les 251-300 premières universités dans le nouveau
classement mondial des universités publié aujourd’hui par Times Higher
Education (World University Ranking 2022). L’Université se positionne ainsi
parmi les premiers 18% des universités évaluées par Times Higher Education
Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say
Navin Kumar I 2:36 pm, 9th September
period of time while keeping within a temperature threshold - in this case 1.5C.Many fossil-fuel extraction projects already planned or in operation are likely to hurt the world's chances of meeting internationally agreed target limits on global warming set out by the 2015 Paris Agreement.