FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Bertrand Kauffmann and Laurent Marochini of Société Générale
Rik Coeckelbergs I 3:41 pm, 11th March
FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Eric Mouilleron, Founder and CEO of Bankable
Rik Coeckelbergs I 10:06 am, 3rd March
Design Sprint: the fastest way to imagine digital solutions
Fujitsu I 10:42 am, 2nd March
Le nouvel assistant vous permet de déclarer vos impôts en ligne
Press release Ministère de la Digitalisation I 9:34 am, 1st March
FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Angela Nickel - CEO and Founder COMO Global
Rik Coeckelbergs I 12:52 pm, 23rd February
LIST and Luxprovide Sign Agreement for Luxembourg Supercomputer Venture
Press release LIST I 11:32 am, 17th February
The Experience Studio, a service to shape your digitalization ideas
Fujitsu I 4:32 pm, 14th February
L’Université annonce le lancement de la plateforme Finnovation
Université du Luxembourg I 2:24 pm, 10th February
FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Nicolas Gerard, Managing Director Product Management, State Street Bank
Rik Coeckelbergs I 10:12 am, 8th February
FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Pascal Morosini, CEO i-Hub
Rik Coeckelbergs I 10:25 am, 2nd February
Codipro, Telindus et Luxinnovation : success story d’une PME à la pointe de l’innovation
Telindus I 12:08 pm, 1st February
FinTech and Finance Innovation 2025: Insights by Jacques Pütz, CEO LUXHUB
Rik Coeckelbergs I 5:41 pm, 26th January