LIST And LNS Sign New Partnership Agreement
LIST I 1:48 pm, 13th June

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and Luxembourg National Health Laboratory (LNS) enter a new phase together as a Partnership Framework Agreement between the two parties has just been signed.
Following their collaboration together on several projects over the years, LIST and LNS are launching joint innovative solutions missions in Luxembourg and internationally focusing on the research and development in the domains of microbial pathogens, food security, toxicology, environmental health and human biomonitoring. The signature of this new agreement took place On Thursday, 2 June during a visit of LNS teams at LIST.
“With LNS specialising in analyses in the areas of analytical toxicology, environmental monitoring and biomonitoring, microbiology and genetics, and LIST’s focus on the development of innovative solutions addressing issues encountered by private companies and public institutions, the two institutes complement each other well for this innovative collaboration agreement”, stated Thomas Kallstenius, LIST CEO.
The two institutes have collaborated already on many human biomonitoring projects both at a local and European level. They have also worked together in the domain of microbial pathogens studying drinking water in Luxembourg. However, the project that has most recently been in the spotlight is CORONASTEP; the study of Covid-19 virus presence in wastewater, the results of which are sent directly to the government.
The new Partnership Framework Agreement therefore compliments these previous collaborations with research into human biomonitoring and toxicology, microbial pathogens, food security and environmental pollution. PhD training activities will also be integrated into the agreement.
“Our organisations are naturally linked in terms of substance and content. We are also united by our commitment to high-quality research in the service of Luxembourg and its people. I am grateful and very pleased that we now went a step further and have also formalised our cooperation in a Partnership Framework Agreement with LIST”, emphasised LNS Director, Professor Dr Friedrich Mühlschlegel.
Source : LIST
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