LIST: Francesco Ferrero New Director of IT for Innovative Services Department
LIST I 8:48 am, 20th December

The Boards of Directors appointed with immediate effect Francesco Ferrero as new Director of LIST IT for Innovative Service department.
Interim Director of the ITIS department since July 2021 and formerly ITIS Lead Partnership Officer for the Mobility, Logistics and Smart Cities markets, Francesco Ferrero successfully completed every step of the external recruitment process launched in May 2021. He will therefore continue his role in supporting and guiding the 100 researchers and engineers of the department towards the digital transformation of operations in organisations with traditional environments and digital ecosystems, with the aim of improving their performance and innovation capacity.
Francesco started his R&D career in 2005, as part of the eSecurity Lab of Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, an Italian RTO, having been active in building and executing applied research development and technology projects in the ICT domain, especially in the transport, logistics and Smart Cities sector.
Before joining LIST in 2016, he held several positions in research & development, management and partnership development. He has been recognised for many years as an international expert in the field of R&D and of smart cities and smart mobility, being the co-editor of a major Handbook of Research in the field. He is also a highly successful Horizon 2020 project coordinator, a keynote speaker at major international events and a member of high-level working groups in Luxembourg and abroad.
Source : LIST
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by La Mondiale Europartner I 9:34 am, 8th August
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