EBRC and BMS, when Luxembourg tech saves lives around the world
EBRC I 8:00 am, 15th November

B Medical Systems, international leader in the medical cold chain, played a major role in ending the COVID crisis by providing transportation logistics for Messenger RNA vaccines. Faced with the rapid development of its activities, B Medical Systems called on EBRC for support by outsourcing its IT activities.
Over the last few months, B Medical Systems has had to deal with an ultra-fast growth of its activity, that is the supply of the required equipment for transportation and storage at -80°C of COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccines. This Luxembourg-based company, which successfully develops cold chain solutions for the medical sector, played a key role in the success of the worldwide mass vaccination effort aimed at overcoming the health crisis. B Medical Systems chose EBRC to support it in this crucial step and in this exponential increase of its production, entrusting EBRC with the outsourcing of its IT activities with two main leitmotivs: agility and security of operations. Both companies demonstrate the best that Tech for Life Made in Luxembourg can do worldwide to save lives.
Luc Provost, C.E.O. of B Medical Systems and Yves Reding, C.E.O. of EBRC talk about this tour de force achieved by their teams in a very short time and explain their development perspectives.
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