Devoteam M Cloud recognized as the winner of Luxembourg 2022 Microsoft Partner of the Year
Devoteam I 4:22 pm, 30th June

Devoteam M Cloud today announced it has won the Luxembourg 2022 Microsoft Partner of the Year. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.
"We are thrilled to be recognized for the third time as Microsoft Partner of the Year, which underscores our joined commitment with Microsoft to help clients radically improve agility, come up with new business models and reach customers in new ways with Microsoft technologies. I want to congratulate all our technology experts, HR, Sales & Management teams for the exemplary executional rigor to deliver innovation and insight into the very heart of the business of our customers. I can’t wait to see all that we will achieve together with Microsoft in the years ahead.", said Jérémy Meisch, COO & Country Director at Devoteam M Cloud.
The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft-based applications, services and devices during the past year.
Awards were classified in various categories, with honorees chosen from a set of more than 3,900 submitted nominations from more than 100 countries worldwide. Devoteam M Cloud was recognized for the third time for providing outstanding solutions and services in Luxembourg.
"With their recent launch of M Cloud, underpinned by a strong commitment on Advanced Specializations and a unique “Creative Tech Studios” offering, Devoteam are a strong partner for our customers’ digital and sustainable transformation making this year’s well-deserved Partner of the Year for Luxembourg !", explained Erik Kerkhofs, Director Commercial Partners at Microsoft BeLux.
"I am honored to announce the winners and finalists of the 2022 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards. These partners were outstanding among the exceptional pool of nominees and I’m continuously impressed by their innovative use of Microsoft Cloud technologies and the impact for their customers." stated Nick Parker, Corporate vice president of Global Partner Solutions at Microsoft.
Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are announced annually prior to the company’s global partner conference, Microsoft Inspire, which will take place on July 19-20 this year.
Additional details on the 2022 awards are available on the Microsoft Partner Network blog: The complete list of categories, winners and finalists can be found at
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