Location : Parc d'Activités Capellen 8308 36 Capellen Luxembourg

Contact : +352 31 40 40-1

Email : info@systemsolutions.com

POC : Alain Maringer

Designation : Chief Sales Officer


Depuis 1996, System Solutions by Trustteam a reçu comme mission d'aider les entreprises de toutes tailles à mettre en place et opérer des infrastructures robustes pour leur centre de données, afin de leur permettre de soutenir et de développer leurs affaires.Pour réaliser cette mission, System Solutions by Trustteam agit comme un conseiller de confiance, dans une perspective à long-terme. En parfaite collaboration avec nos clients et partenaires, nous dessinons et supportons des solutions technologiques innovantes qui viennent améliorer la qualité des processus métiers au travers de services de consultance, d'implémentation et de gestion opérationnelle performants.

System Solutions received as mission to help organizations of all sizes develop and operate solid datacenter infrastructures allowing them to run and develop their business on. 

Our services can be delivered on premise at the customer's sites, or can be outsourced and operated from our datacenters, or along a 'hybrid multi-cloud’ model, making thus use of the best of all worlds! 

From our 3 highly secured datacenters, fully redundant and monitored on a 7/7 mode, we offer a fully customized journey to the Cloud. 

System Solutions is relying on state-of-the-art technologies from top notch vendors, each leader in its specialty domain. For each of these partners, System Solutions has obtained the highest possible certifications, allowing us to deliver first-class services. 

We are fully aware of the importance of getting a personalized proposal and how highly prized is the relationship with a local partner, who can listen to the evolving needs of its customers. That is why we combine these technologies with our competence and services, to implement and operate ‘as-a-service’ infrastructure for our customers, allowing them to concentrate on their core business.  

System Solutions is active for more than 26 years in Luxembourg with regional sites in France and Belgium. 

In Luxembourg we are recognized as PSF (Professionnel du Secteur Financier). This certification brings the needed security and confidentiality layers to your data!

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