Name: Mr. Michael Horvath
Designation: Advisory Partner, Regulatory & Change Management
Company: PwC Luxembourg
Michael has been working for PwC Switzerland since 2011 and joined PwC Luxembourg in October 2018. He has a financial and regulatory audit as well as advisory background and significant experience leading projects in the asset management sphere (liquid and illiquid).
In the recent past, Michael has been particularly involved in various regulatory projects related to the implementation of the EU regulatory framework for sustainable finance (i.e. SFDR, taxonomy regulation, CSRD) at entity and product level. Michael is involved in various other regulatory projects for clients, from DORA, AML/CFT regulation over CSSF circular 18/698 to MICA.
Michael holds a Master’s degree in international business administration and a Master’s degree in law, both from the University of Vienna, Austria. He is a Swiss as well as Liechtenstein certified public accountant.