Name: Mr. Emmanuel Lazard

Designation: Associate professor of computer science at the Paris-Dauphine-PSL University


 Emmanuel Lazard, former student at the École Normale Supérieure, is currently associate professor of computer science at the Paris-Dauphine-PSL University.

He has been teaching computer architecture, algorithmics and programming to undergraduate students enrolled in a Mathematics and Computing curriculum for more than 30 years.

He has published four books about computing.

·       Emmanuel LAZARD, Architecture de l’ordinateur, collection Synthex, Pearson Education, 2006

·       Emmanuel LAZARD, Pratique performante du langage C, collection TechnoSup, Ellipses Éditions, 2013

·       Paolo ZANELLA, Yves LIGIER, Emmanuel LAZARD, Architecture et technologie des ordinateurs, collection Science Sup, 5e édition, Dunod, 2013.

·       Emmanuel LAZARD, Pierre MOUNIER-KUHN, Histoire illustrée de l’informatique, 3e édition, EDP Sciences, 2022

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