Workshop: Automate Your Environment with Ansible

5 Avenue Marie-Thérèse, Hollerich Luxembourg

10:30 am, 16th May

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about the event

This workshop requires minimal setup. All you need is your laptop and a web browser. Even with limited knowledge or experience with command-line tools, you’ll be equipped to configure the Ansible automation controller and automate tasks on your servers. We’ll start with the basics, helping you automate everyday tasks, and then guide you towards more advanced use cases like patching and leveraging third-party solutions to create a robust automation environment.

- Master Ansible for Automation : This workshop is your one-stop shop to learn Ansible and streamline your workflow, especially for those managing hybrid environments.

- Beginner-friendly : No prior Ansible experience needed. We’ll cover everything from foundational command-line activities to writing your first playbook.

- Level up your automation skills : Move beyond simple tasks and explore advanced use cases like patching and leveraging third-party tools.

- In-Depth Exploration : Apply what you’ve learned to implement an Ansible automation controller to enterprise use cases. Start off by writing your first Ansible playbook, work on Jinja templates, and implement higher-level Ansible roles. See how to work with an automation controller and how to manage inventory and credential, projects, job templates, surveys, workflows, and more.


10h30 – Walk-in & Coffee

10h45 – Introduction

11h00 – Lab

12h00 – Lunch

13h00 – Lab

15h00 – Break

16h30 – Wrap up & Drink

Registration link


📍 Hotel Parc Belle-Vue, 5, Avenue Marie-Thérèse L-2132 Luxembourg

📅 Thursday, May 16, 2024

🕚 10:30 - 17:00

About the organizers

For any question, please contact us! | Tel: +352 621 225 329 | E-mail:

This event is hosted by ASP and Red Hat. ASP Group has over 30 years of experience in data-center solutions and is a Dell Technologies, ServiceNow, Red Hat, VMware and Microsoft certified partner. ASP mission is to help you keep the lights on in your IT department, allowing you to focus on your core business.


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