TN’Teens, edition 2: when technologies and youngers meet

Nastassia Haux I 5:56 pm, 14th February

TechSense by The Dots announces the second edition of TN’Teens, an event promoting the new technologies sector to young people and bringing together industrial actors and digital talents of tomorrow. This initiative will gather 150 high school students and will take place on March 30th, 2023 at Les Terres Rouges in Esch-sur-Alzette.

The technologies are today ubiquitous in people’s lives and have always been in young people's ones. The Internet took a specific and integral part in their daily habits, through social media, educational platforms, games, and many more. In the European Union (EU), 95 % of young people use the Internet every day. As the Z generation, they stand out for their technology use and have developed good knowledges in this field. Concerning their digital skills, such as coding and programming a language or installing a software, 72% of young females and 70% of young males in Europe have basic or above basic in these kinds of areas.

This is a growing domain, challenging and promising for our and their future. The STEM field is looking for more and more highly qualified talents and offers more and more professional opportunities. This, indeed, leads to an increasing demand for education. This is a bargain for Luxembourg, which is the European country employing the most of diplomaed young people in science and technology (54,1%).

The new generation is wise to discover what technology could offer and what it concretely consists of in a professional way. Giving them the opportunity, from the earlier days, to try and explore it to better understand its stakes and to discover their interest is a necessity, just as giving them the access to learning is a must. It’s our responsibility to show them tomorrow’s new opportunities.

The next episode of the first edition, with a brand-new trending theme and surprises

In 2022, TechSense by The Dots created TN’Teens, an event pursuing the dual objective of promoting the new technologies sector to young people and bringing together industrial actors and digital talents of tomorrow. One year later, we decided to organize the second edition of this day of gathering of 150 high schoolers of Luxembourg and the Grand Est region. Challenges, learning and fun: that’s what TN’Teens has in store!

This year again, students will broach the enthralling tech concepts of blockchain, coding, design thinking and cybersecurity. But this time, a brand-new trending theme will also be tackled: Metaverse. The program starts with a morning of workshops dedicated to these 5 fields, where the high school students could awaken their interest in the new technologies and their stakes. The afternoon is dedicated to a big quiz, where they are invited to test their knowledges acquired during the first half of day and answer at the same time some questions of general culture. For this game, the contestants will be mentored by a figure from the Luxembourg technology community and will win high value gifts, offered by our sponsors and partners!

Among its first sponsors, TN’Teens is already supported by Digital Learning Hub (DLH), Virtual Rangers, Luxlait, Kinepolis, Workshop4Me, BEE Secure, Scienteens Lab, Sources RosportFrance Bleu LorraineChronicle, and benefits from the support of Ville d’Esch, Devoteam and Orange. Others will follow soon.

For those interested in participating, visit the event page.

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