TNT Symposium 2023: Unmasking Sustainability in Luxembourg's Tech Scene
Techsense Team I 7:09 pm, 23rd November

On November 22nd, TNT Symposium – “Unmasking Sustainability: Now You See Me” took place at the European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL). This edition brought together 700 Technology, Innovation and Digital leaders under a theme of illusionary magic to reveal the hidden potential of technology and uncover the veiled truth of our environment. The seated ceremony dinner attracted by over 500 participants.
Laurent Couturier, CIO of Armacell has been awarded the THECIO24 Prize, designating him as the new ambassador of the community for the duration of 2024. This prestigious award acknowledges the significant contributions of a CIO to the enhancement of the Luxembourg Tech, Innovation & Digital community according to three criteria: Technology, Humanity, and Empowerment.
Moreover, the Luxembourg Tech Firm of the Year Prize goes to LuxProvide, for their unwavering dedication to the HITS of the future: Human, Inspiration, Technology, and Sustainability.
The TechforLife Prize was awarded to the Digital Learning Hub. This recognition applauds a project that aims to address sustainability, humanitarian, or sustainable technology challenges by harnessing the potential of technology, innovation, and digital solutions.
Unmasking Sustainability – “Now You See Me”: Between sustainability and innovation
Kamel Amroune, founder and CEO of The Dots, welcomed Luxembourg's Tech, Innovation & Digital community, expressing gratitude to the audience as well as the sponsors and partners. Introducing the event’s theme “Unmasking Sustainability: Now You See Me”, he then handed over the platform to the Master of Ceremony Laurent Pulinckx, Member of the Executive Committee and CIO at Luxembourg Stock Exchange, and previous CIO of the year (2023). He delivered an inspiring opening speech, emphasizing his commitment to durability and sustainability, especially in the ever-evolving digital landscape, and highlighting the environmental considerations “have to be at the center of a company’s decision-making process”.
From this opening conference, Lies Eeckman, Managing Director Polestar Belgium & Luxembourg gives her engaging speech, 'Polestar's Road Towards Sustainable Mobility’, which highlights Polestar’s unique perspective of how the automotive industry is navigating the path towards sustainable mobility. Furthermore, emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly practices within the context of the mobility industry.
Then the audience was treated to a thought-provoking presentation by the esteemed essayist, Luc de Brabandere. With his philosophical approach and numerous examples, he highlighted the complexity of perception and the transformative power of creativity in shaping our understanding and approach to the world, demonstrating its potential application in addressing the ecological constraints we face.
Unveiling sustainability strategies: Insights from a round table discussion with industry leaders
Diving deeper into the theme of hidden potential, a round table discussion was moderated by Dario Wiser, Director, Cloud Systems Solutions Business Development EMEA at Oracle. The discussion featured Julie Becker, CEO of Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Michèle Detaille, President of FEDIL, and Luc de Brabandere, Essayist. The conversation delved into individual perspectives on sustainability within each panelist's business. It focused on strategies for incorporating sustainability into modernized IT infrastructures, managing transitions to eco-friendly practices without sacrificing profitability, and assessing the impact of the cloud on sustainability goals. Additionally, the discussion addressed concerns about customer, employee, and potential candidate expectations regarding service providers' commitment to translating words into action.
TNT Symposium continues to be the melting pot of ideas, where industry experts, thought leaders, and visionaries converged to explore the uncharted territories the technological world has to offer us.
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