The Art of Personalized Advisory: insights from Aymeric Carraro, Data Management Consultant at Anidris

Yann Roll et Laura Heil I 9:20 am, 22nd August

Aymeric Carraro, Management Consultant at Anidris, has been a key asset of the company's success story since 2015. With solid experience as a data centre engineer, he is currently in charge of the solutions architecture team. He offers Anidris customers his expertise in IT architecture and cutting-edge enterprise technologies. He shared insights into advisory services, elaborating on Anidris' bespoke offerings meticulously crafted to address the unique needs of every customer. 


How is Anidris helping its clients become more competitive on the market in Luxembourg? 

"Anidris’ strength lies in our transversal vision of the market, which puts us in a fairly unique position in Luxembourg. We are a company specializing in infrastructures such as datacentres, with strong expertise in backup, data protection, archiving, and advisory services, which are the pillars of our business." 


"Within the team, each member has their own area of expertise and contributes with an analysis in line with their sphere of competence, which enables us to maintain a pragmatic approach in all circumstances. We have also set up a dedicated advisory team whose mission is to bring formality to customer advice and to act as a link between companies management and IT departments." 


"At Anidris, we make customer satisfaction our priority. What sets us apart from our competitors is the support we offer our customers, and we have put in place customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each of them. Our first customers are still loyal to us today, which reflects the success of our actions and quality of our long-term relationships." 


"At the end of each project, we study the results and conduct a debriefing to identify successes and areas for improvement. This mode of operation ensures that communication flows smoothly both between our staff and with our customers. Our added value lies in our ongoing support, right through to the final integration of the solutions. We offer much more than simply delivering a service: we are involved in ensuring that it is properly implemented in our customers' environments. In this way, we take into account the entire compatibility of all the elements, from commissioning to operation, right through to guaranteeing data integrity in the event of a breakdown." 


What about audit and business consulting? 

"When it comes to audit and business consulting, the big names in the industry often come to mind first. While these companies are undoubtedly effective, their approach tends to be more theoretical. At Anidris, we take a different approach. We excel in offering thorough monitoring and support, especially during infrastructure implementation. What truly sets us apart is our ability to ensure alignment between regulatory directives and the actual hardware and architecture deployed. 


Can you describe the method used by Anidris to identify, manage and resolve potential problems when implementing its solutions? 

"We have never encountered any large-scale problems. In general, we deal with minor difficulties which, if not resolved quickly, can escalate and require more resources. To address this challenge, we've implemented a multi-stage working method. This approach allows us to break down what may seem insurmountable into a series of simpler, more manageable problems. This encourages continuous progress, without skipping a step. Each step is completed only after the actions taken have been verified and validated. Furthermore, each new step serves to verify the progress made thus far. In this way, our method, with its multiple controls, is designed to limit incidents and anticipate potential problems." 


"At Anidris, we operate according to a principle of proportionality, which means that we assess in depth the criticality of each type of customer so that we can tailor our response. In this way, every solution we offer is truly tailor-made." 


"For greater clarity, we adjust our response to the specific risks of each organization. For example, Financial Company A does not have the same impact on the Luxembourg market as Financial Company B. Some companies are systemic, others are critical but not essential, etc. These differences enable us to design architectures and solutions tailored to each unique situation, taking into account the economic impact, competitiveness and market share of each company." 


Can you describe the Anidris Academy project and its role in your personalized service strategy? 

"We have indeed recently launched a new project called Anidris Academy. This initiative serves as a guide for gathering and applying best practices and maximizing our customers' competitiveness. The academy enables us not only to strengthen our internal skills but also to offer customized training." 


"The academy fits in perfectly with the continuity of our support offering. When we talk to our customers, we also analyze their needs and identify areas for improvement in their processes. Based on our analysis, we bring in various specialists and implement targeted actions. 


In fact, we have recently launched our DORA training (Digital Operational Resilience Act), ensuring our clients are well-prepared to handle digital risks and maintain robust operational resilience. This initiative is an extension of our comprehensive solution and adds significant value to our services." 

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