Second edition of TN'Teens played to a full house!
Nastassia Haux I 8:48 am, 4th April

On March 30th, 2023, 220 high school students attended the second edition of TN’Teens at Digital Learning Hub's "Les Terres Rouges" building in Belval. This fun and challenging day brought together industrial actors and digital talents of tomorrow from various schools in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.
The emerging generation is keen on exploring the potential of technology and seeks to uncover its practical implications in the professional world. Enabling them to experiment with and explore technology from a young age is vital in helping them appreciate its significance and identify their interests. Ensuring access to education is fundamental, and it is our common responsibility to showcase the new opportunities that await them in the future. TN'Teens was created by TechSense by The Dots to contribute to achieving this objective.
Five key tech concepts covered during a morning of workshops
The day started with a series of workshops aimed at deepening and piquing students' interest in emerging technologies and their applications. TN'Teens partners and sponsors contributed to these instructive sessions, providing students with valuable insights and knowledge on various aspects of technology. Virtual Rangers, Christophe Bianco, SaxX, Workshop4Me, Scienteens Lab, Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, BEE SECURE, Orange, Devoteam, CNPD and Luxembourg Tech School made it possible, by encouraging them to explore topics such as blockchain, coding, design thinking, cybersecurity and Metaverse.
Insightful advice and motivating speeches by public personalities and industry experts
The afternoon was dedicated to some speeches and a big quiz game. This entire conference session was dynamically hosted by Avanti and Leo Sharma, respectively Pre-Teen Technology Specialist and founder & VP Technology at Workshop4me. They announced the second edition of TN'Teens amidst thunderous applause and a full room, and introduced Kamel Amroune for his opening words.
The CEO of The Dots then gave the floor to the Minister of Education, Children and Youth Claude Meisch, who shared his viewpoint concerning digitalization, and the way it is shaking up the way we live and work. He said, “We can’t tell how our world will work in a few decades, but it will be different. And it is our responsibility to prepare you for tomorrow’s digital world”. He also raised questions about the skills that need to be developed, wondering what roles we, humans, will have in the future with the increasing prevalence of technologies. He emphasized that certain purely human abilities, such as creativity and the art of persuasion, cannot be replaced by machines and must be further developed.
Afterwards, the Masters of ceremony called on stage Christian Weis, city councillor of Esch-sur-Alzette, who briefly traced the history of Belval – a place dear to him due to his family roots anchored here –, and spoke about the transition from its blast furnaces to the University. He ended by wishing the students success on their journey and in their future.
SaxX showed up again during this session. He briefly introduced himself as well as his background which led him to discover the world of IT and, more particularly, the first flaws in terms of cybersecurity. He showed to the students the fragility of their digital identity security and took the opportunity to give some advice on how act carefully and protect their data.
Who’s the winner of the Big Quiz Edition 2?
After these striking speeches, Avanti and Leo Sharma invited students to test their knowledge during the Big Quiz, and answered some questions about the five above-mentioned tech concepts, and?general culture. Each of the five finalists was mentored by a figure from the Luxembourg technology community and won high-value gifts offered by our sponsors and partners.
The winner of the Big Quiz is Serge Locatelli who was mentored by Roberta Ribeiro Oertel of The National Commission for Data Protection. He and the four other finalists won gifts from HP, Orange Luxembourg, Francofolies, Devoteam, Xantor, Luxair, Relook, Kinepolis and the City of Esch-sur-Alzette.
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