Olivier Beaujean: "It’s time for sustainability and digitization to merge"
Nastassia Haux I 4:32 pm, 15th December

TNT Symposium took place on November 29th at the European Convention Center Luxembourg. During this tech community gathering, some experts ran a round table, and tried to answer the following issue: "How to compete successfully in the radically human future?". Olivier Beaujean, CIO of Cargolux concluded the debate, after Sasha Baillie, CEO of Luxinnovation, Jerry Grbic, CEO of ABBL, and Vincent Arnal, CIO of LALUX, addressing the most radically human dimension of all: sustainability.
Cargolux: a core strategy developed around sustainable growth
Olivier Beaujean introduced: "Cargolux was one of the first company in Luxembourg to join the UN Global Compact with sustainable development goals back in 2007. Committed to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), Cargolux launched a SAF program in 2021."
Concerning the IT perspective, the CIO of Cargolux specified: "we have already moved our full infrastructure to the cloud with an outstanding sustainable achievement of saving 99,8% of scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions. We will continue trying to reach the objective of net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions and focus on improving scope 3 emissions with our large ecosystem."
"Building hyperscale datacenters powered by renewable energy is a key challenge and the target announced by the three major cloud providers to achieve absolute zero emission standards is set between 2025 and 2030. Most companies don’t have the hyperscale resources, though. Operators of older data centers must contend with diesel-powered backup generators and the need to use the electrical grid for reliable power."
Corporate Digital Responsibility
The expert then talked about a necessary fusion between sustainability and digitization:
"Sustainability concerns humanity’s relationship with the natural world, while digitization focuses on the virtual world. Lacking obvious common roots, they have developed more or less independently of each other, but it’s time for these two worlds to merge. The need for this merger is simple. The risks to humanity of poor or unethical digital practices are increasing rapidly and can no longer be ignored.", said the expert.
"When starting a project, organizations should think about an increasing number of topics by design. They should focus on CDR which includes four dimensions: social (human centered including data privacy protection), economic (replacing or changing jobs), technological (including IT security but also ethical guidelines related to AI as an example), environmental (committing to net zero carbon emissions). We therefore need to update further our governance frameworks and include those concepts in the decision process of organizations as a way to differentiate ourselves and gain long-term viability among customers, regulators, and the communities where businesses operate."
"I am personally looking forward to the exciting coming years allowing us to leverage the best of those new technologies in a sustainable and responsible way. ", he concluded.
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