New call for projects: Cybersecurity Innovation and Development
Luxinnovation I 12:09 pm, 14th November
The Ministry of the Economy, together with the National Cybersecurity Competence Center (NC3) and in collaboration with Luxinnovation, announces the launch of the new call for projects under the Cybersecurity Innovation and Development (LU-CID) funding programme.
Its objective is to co-finance the creation of innovative tools, solutions and services by startups and SMEs in the Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem.
This call for projects, which is part of the Digital Europe (DEP) programme, will be open from 1 November to 31 December 2024 and comes after the first call for projects that took place in the first half of 2024.
The projects will be financed through the support mechanism for research and development (R&D) projects. For each successful project, a maximum grant of €60,000 can be awarded. A co-financing share of 20% for small companies and 30% for medium-sized companies will be required.
LU-CID is aimed at Luxembourg SMEs and startups wishing to implement projects for the creation of innovative cybersecurity tools and services, and to introduce new types of solutions to the Luxembourg market.
submitted to LU-CID must meet at least one of the four objectives that are
detailed in the call for projects document:
- Support the development of
startups in the field of cybersecurity through the creation of technical
or non-technical solutions;
- Promote the creation or growth
of local businesses developing affordable assessment and testing services;
- Support
the implementation of cybersecurity services with a sustainable
open-source mode
- Promote the development of innovative approaches to improve the cybersecurity competence of SMEs
Need more information ? Contact Luxinnovation's Corporate R&D and Innovation Support department.
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