Kyndryl Readiness Report: 91% of executives in Benelux trust IT, only 38% say they are ready for the future

Kyndryl I 9:03 am, 17th October


Kyndryl today released the 2024 Kyndryl Readiness Report, which explores the paradox of why 91% of executives in Benelux believe their IT infrastructure is 'best-in-class', but only 38% of them think they are ready to manage future risks. The report also shows how IT modernization is helping companies gain a competitive edge, even as just 39% of companies currently see a positive return on investments from AI.


In the digital economy, business leaders say they are relying on their IT to mitigate risks, build talent, and take advantage of new tools. Yet while as many as 97% of executives in Benelux say that technology modernization is a high priority for their companies, only 38% believe their IT infrastructure is ready for future risks.


Liesbet D'hoker, Managing Director of Kyndryl for Belux, explains the findings: "The Kyndryl Readiness Report offers valuable insights into the unique technological landscape in Benelux. While we face significant challenges, especially in the areas of regulatory compliance and talent readiness, there is a noticeable willingness to innovate among business leaders. This presents an exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of technological innovation and digital transformation."


The main concerns in Benelux are evolving policies and regulations (69%), cyber attacks (66%), environmental and climate disruption (66%), macroeconomic uncertainty (66%), and the skills gap or talent shortage (66%). These concerns differ from our neighboring countries, where cyber attacks most often top the list. Benelux leaders feel least prepared for macroeconomic uncertainty, with only 25% feeling ready. They also feel insufficiently prepared for cyber attacks (27%), geopolitical disruption (30%), environmental and climate disruption (31%), and evolving policies and regulations (31%).

In Benelux, 66% of business leaders agree that their organization struggles to keep up with the pace of technological advancement. Concerns about outdated IT are higher in Benelux, with 63% of CEOs worried that their IT is outdated or nearing end-of-life. Regarding AI implementation challenges, only 22% of Benelux CEOs say they are ready to manage future risks.


Although 74% of Benelux companies are investing in traditional AI and machine learning, only 39% see a positive return on those investments. The biggest barriers to AI adoption remain concerns about data privacy (35%), uncertain ROI (32%), and compliance challenges (30%).


91% of executives in Benelux prioritize sustainability when modernizing their technology, while 61% consider it a challenge for their modernization efforts.


The 2024 Kyndryl Readiness Report is based on comprehensive research conducted by Edelman DXI, gathering insights from 3,200 senior decision-makers across seven sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing, energy, and finance. The study, conducted between July 1 and August 12, 2024, collected perspectives from C-suite executives (CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and CTOs) and senior directors of companies with revenues of at least $1 billion in 15 global markets, including the United States, Brazil, China, Germany, and the UK. In Benelux, 200 respondents were surveyed.


For the full report, visit Kyndryl's 2024 Readiness Report.

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