Interview - Newcomers - LHoFT x The Dots with BoardiGO

LHoFT I 11:17 am, 24th May

For this week newcomers interview, we exchanged with Julien Jenoudet, CEO of BoardiGO, who discussed the importance of streamlining governance practices and ensuring compliance through their comprehensive board management application. 

Please introduce your company and the products/services it offers.

BoardiGO is a web and mobile application that dramatically simplifies the board management process while keeping it secure and compliant. Easy to use for board members and corporate secretaries, in online or hybrid mode, BoardiGO saves time and keeps track. No more gaps in the audit trail. Its embedded e-signature guarantees the legality of votes and signatures (compliant eIDAS). Move your boards and executive committes online by using BoardiGO, the most complete Saas solution on the market.

What led to the creation of your company?

The issue at hand is that governance is a critical driver of performance and a vital aspect of ESG. Despite this, numerous governance-related tasks continue to be performed manually, resulting in a potential lack of productivity and compliance. The primary reason for this is the absence of a comprehensive solution that can enable corporate secretaries and board members to digitize their governance practices in a secure and efficient manner. As a result, several organizations are grappling with difficulties in streamlining their governance processes, which may result in inefficiencies, errors, and potential compliance challenges.

What is the most difficult or unexpected thing you've had to overcome on your journey?

Governance is one of the least digitzed corporate processes. As a result, when we talk to propects, we have to convince twice: (a) go online and (b) use BoardiGO. 

How is your offering different from your competitors and other market players?

BoardiGO is the most complete solution on the market and its pricing garantees the cost savings for its users.

What did you find at LHoFT / What did LHoFT bring you?

The Lhoft is an open-minded and supportive environment which is favorable to innovation.

What's next?

BoardiGO is now a mature product that can be used by both companies and governance professionals. Nevertheless new major features like general assemblies and speach-to-text+AI generated minutes are coming.

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