"Artificial Intelligence: From Threat to Ally" - Empowering Humans in the Age of AI

Zentrapreneur I 8:41 am, 15th September

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant dream but an everyday reality, OptimiStra and Zentrapreneur are proud to announce the launch of their groundbreaking online course, "Artificial Intelligence: From Threat to Ally." This course is meticulously designed to bridge the gap between the rapid advancements in AI and the human skills required to harness its full potential.

Course Overview:

The course aims to demystify AI, providing participants with the knowledge and tools to transform AI from a perceived threat to a powerful ally. It delves deep into the symbiotic relationship between AI and human talents, emphasising the importance of emotional intelligence in the age of machines.

Michel Wozniak says: “Technical mastery unlocks AI's potential, but emotional intelligence is key to an empowering future. By synthesising technical and human strengths, integrate AI throughout your organisation, driving unprecedented innovation and growth.”

Marco Houwen adds: "In the age of artificial intelligence, human strengths like emotional intelligence, vision, and creativity become our competitive advantage. By leading with empathy and purpose, we can build inspired teams ready to thrive alongside AI."

Key Learning Objectives:

- Understanding AI: Participants will gain a clear understanding of both Emotional and Artificial Intelligence, separating the hype from reality.

- Leadership for the Future: The course emphasises the development of an Emotionally Intelligent Leadership approach, essential for inspiring and leading teams in this AI-driven era.

- Strategic AI Deployment: Learn how to create AI strategies that augment human strengths, focusing on empowerment rather than replacement.

- Mastering AI Communication: The course introduces the concept of prompt engineering, teaching participants to communicate effectively with AI systems to derive maximum value.

Course Instructors:

- Michel Wozniak: An engineer, international project manager, and AI specialist currently pursuing an MBA in artificial intelligence. Michel has led major tech projects resulting in significant annual savings.

- Marco Houwen: A digital and human transformation expert, Marco coaches and advises CEOs on leveraging Emotional Intelligence in their organisations to fully harness the potential of AI. Together, Michel and Marco bring decades of combined experience to provide both the technical foundations and human-centred leadership capabilities needed to unlock AI’s potential.

Course Packages:

- E-Learning Training: Dive deep into the world of AI with a 4h30 training session. Priced at $297.00, this package offers lifetime access, allowing for continuous learning

- Make it Real for Me: For a more immersive experience, this package, priced at $397.00, includes all E-Learning Training features plus three monthly Q&A live group sessions with the instructors.


For those interested in enrolling or learning more about the course, visit http://LeadingWithEIandAI.com

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