Luxembourg IT market is overseeing our success as we are promoting proximity and customer intimacy.
Let me describe what is a leader, in 3 keywords: a Visionary, an Inspiring, a Respectful actor
Firstly, our vision is to be your trusted advisor in all aspects related to backup.
Through our team of 12 experts, we cumulated more than 120 years of experience in backup technology. This brings us the maturity to have a customer-centric and constructor agnostic approach to always bring you the best solution and services for your specific needs in this area.
Secondly, inspiration is our mantra to develop and promote best-of-breed backup architecture and services. We do not sell you a product, we inspire you towards a common goal of success and efficiency in this complex technical domain. This is the main reason why we have built relations with technology leaders in the backup world such as DellEMC, Veritas, Commvault, Cohesity, and Veeam. We want to help you solving your problems and bring you a very high level of confidence in your tool, people, and processes in a holistic view.
Thirdly, respect. Respect is key.
It’s starting with an active listening of your concerns combined with a true understanding of your business problems, the simplest and best way to co-create a solution. Respect also towards what has been done before, it was always a good choice in a specific moment and a specific time. And respect for the competition is the best vector for motivation and innovation.
We are convinced that we are excellent at helping you building backup architecture, solutions, and services. Of course, this feeling is not only coming from ourselves but simply coming from our customers. In 12 years Anidris has become recognized as a trusted partner and we are very proud of it. We use to celebrate success to energize people, express gratitude reflects, and recharge. It strengthens the team to continue to serve you with passion and respect.
Anidris is your strategic advisor in the IT backup market.
Backup is a passion for Anidris, therefore we want to share with you not only a technical discussion around backup, even though this is our sweet spot, but also every aspect of today’s constraints you may deal with. Our today’s approach is that backup discussion must include not only IT people but also CxO, CISO, DPO, risk, and compliance.
We want to co-create with you a comprehensive and effective backup approach that will be the last resort for your Cyber Defense you can rely on.
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